Thursday, April 28, 2011

Things R Coming Together

My last few post have been about some issues that I believe I needed to go through. I believe that those events only mad my passion to become a counselor even stronger. I want to update you on journey of becoming a high school counselor.

I have been emailing back and forth the Director for SFSU Master's program in school counseling. I needed to understand in full totality the steps I needed to take before applying to the program and what I needed have to be an ideal candidate. So on my other post" Purpose " I told you that I needed some psychology classes and since I am a sociology major that could become a potential problem. See since that budget cuts are so major with the CSU institutions and others, classes are hard to get. I am glad that I was born with this attitude that anything I want, I will have.

I recently emailed two psychology professor"s and explained to them that I was a Sociology major and I needed to get into their psy classes so that I can apply to the Master's program. I received responses from both telling me to print out their emails and bring them first day of fall classes and they will add me.  So things R coming together!. I read other blogs and one blogger that keeps me motivated is "mixed writings" by Raenika. Her posts about God, keeps me level headed and knowing that anything is possible.


  1. I really like your headline. Things do come together no matter what. Sometimes it takes a little time but with patience everything does come together at the end. I am glad to hear that you are on your way to accomplish your dream. Good luck with everything and keep up the positive attitude!!

  2. Hey there, good luck with getting into the Psychology classes! I agree, you're attitude will help you succeed!

    couple spelling/grammar mistakes I found:

    - I needed to understand in full totality the steps I needed to take before applying to the program

    - what I needed have to be an ideal candidate.

    - professor"s
