Hello Blogger's,

My name is Layloni Marshall. I can begin this blog by telling you about me and the many hats I wear, such as being a mother, student, and being employed full time! But I won't! Oh wait, I just did..... Moving along, my blog will focus on my journey of becoming a High School Academic Counselor. I feel like I have always been a full time counselor since I became a mother. Yes, I am the proud mother of three beautiful kids to whom I have always feed the idea that education is the key to success. I can say that they actually listened; my oldest D'Marco Jimmerson is in college and pursing his career in becoming a professional football player. My daughter Tanzania Jimmerson is my academic scholar, who holds down a 4.0 and will be attending Spellman University in about 3yrs, and last but not least is Anthony Linzie III, he's my musician, and proud of it. With that being said, they each understand that getting their education is important. I have seen young African Americans in my community,especially African American males, fall through the crack of our education system. That has to STOP!! If I can just help one child understand that if he/she stay focused, their dreams will come to pass. I hope you follow me on this journey of becoming a High School Academic Counselor. As I come across certain issues that needs to be addressed, I will be blogging. If at any point you will like to "bloggersate",I am ready! BRING IT!

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