My last few post have been about some issues that I believe I needed to go through. I believe that those events only mad my passion to become a counselor even stronger. I want to update you on journey of becoming a high school counselor.
I have been emailing back and forth the Director for SFSU Master's program in school counseling. I needed to understand in full totality the steps I needed to take before applying to the program and what I needed have to be an ideal candidate. So on my other post" Purpose " I told you that I needed some psychology classes and since I am a sociology major that could become a potential problem. See since that budget cuts are so major with the CSU institutions and others, classes are hard to get. I am glad that I was born with this attitude that anything I want, I will have.
I recently emailed two psychology professor"s and explained to them that I was a Sociology major and I needed to get into their psy classes so that I can apply to the Master's program. I received responses from both telling me to print out their emails and bring them first day of fall classes and they will add me. So things R coming together!. I read other blogs and one blogger that keeps me motivated is "mixed writings" by Raenika. Her posts about God, keeps me level headed and knowing that anything is possible.